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AW189 enables Gulf to reach further outstations
Gulf Helicopters has invested in the AW189 helicopter which will support its oil and gas missions.
Read this story in our November 2014 printed issue.

Gulf Helicopters has invested in the AW189 helicopter which will support its oil and gas missions.

“We are continuously growing and expanding our operations across the globe to meet the increasing demand for safe and efficient oil and gas support,” remarks ceo Mohamed Al Mohannadi. “We felt the need to have a helicopter addressing our clients' requirements for long range.

“We reviewed the available options in the market, and decided on the AW189, which hails from the same family as our existing AW139. This will add an advantage to the company's outstation operations, where longer range capabilities are required.

“Our experience and expertise in operating, maintaining and managing a fleet of 18 AW139 helicopters and flying them for 60,000 hours – not only in Qatar but also in Libya, the Far East, South Africa and in India, in addition to dry leasing in Europe – has given us the required confidence to proceed with the AW189.”

The operator received two AW189s in July 2014 and used the initial entry into service period to add them to its AOC; this forms the first part of an order for 15 units, placed in November 2013. It has used the helicopters for familiarisation flights for crew, and Gulf Helicopters is now commencing a further contract with an international oil company to operate the helicopters in an outstation base.

“The helicopter is performing well and it validated our decision to obtain it,” continues Al Mohannadi. “However, it is still early days and we will be better placed to comment extensively on the performance after flying them for at least 1,000 hours.”

He is pleased with the advanced technology, higher payload, longer range, additional seating capacity and passenger and crew comfort afforded by the latest aircraft.

“We can now widen our reach beyond Qatar and our existing international operations, and increase our footprint.” He concludes by saying that the helicopter copes well with sandy conditions, and hot and high situations.

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