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Software integration attracts Premium customer
The integration and added functionality that results from Web Manuals' integration with Skylegs should benefit small flight departments and operators. Premium Jet is the first launch-software customer.
Web Manuals and AviationManuals have collaborated to simplify internal audits for business aviation operators.

Switzerland-based Premium Jet has become the first business aviation operator to benefit from digital documentation solutions provider Web Manuals' integration with Skylegs holistic flight operations management software. Skylegs is the launch software partner in the Web Manuals Store and as a customer, Premium Jet will benefit from strengthened document library functionality.

When working within the application or system, existing Skylegs customers can access all their documents directly within Web Manuals, without having to shift to the dedicated platform, streamlining the process and saving valuable time. Documents will open within the Web Manuals document reader, allowing for full authoring and compliance functionality, rather than a PDF version. Users can also navigate between document changes and have the same favourite, highlight and comment functions through Skylegs as they do with Web Manuals.

Premium Jet managing director Marcel Wepfer says: “We have been a long-standing customer of Web Manuals and when we found out that it was partnering with Skylegs we couldn't wait to explore the integration between these two tools that are critical to our business.”

An additional benefit of this partnership is that flight and duty time limitations (FTL) are factored in to ensure that the schedules of pilots do not exceed the regulatory and suitable flight/duty times, whether it be union, country of operator determined.

Web Manuals CEO and founder Martin Lidgard adds: “We first met Skylegs at EBACE in 2016, and early on we recognised the benefit that a seamless integration would provide for our joint customers. Inputting the Web Manuals functionality improves the usability for customers and makes the authoring and editing process effortless.”

Skylegs MD Maxim Schelfhout notes: “An integrated Web Manuals and Skylegs solution will save our customers significant amounts of time and propel their digitisation capabilities to the next level. Web Manuals allows you to write and distribute procedures efficiently and Skylegs automates and implements them in your operations. We are proud to be able to offer these new improvements to our client base and look forward to seeing how they use them to improve safety and efficiency within their teams.”

Web Manuals has also partnered with SMS software and manual content developer AviationManuals to help flight departments and aircraft management companies easily perform internal audits. The companies will integrate ARC SMS software's internal audit programme functionalities with the digitised manual platform of Web Manuals to provide operators with a convenient, ongoing self-auditing experience.

Lidgard explains: “An integrated solution with the ARC SMS tool will bring a new level of time savings for customers while improving safety. The expectation is that by using ARC SMS and Web Manuals together, operators will be able to easily and conveniently populate their audit tasks with cross references to their operations manuals in Web Manuals.”

The partnership will save operators a substantial amount of time when conducting audits, allowing them to focus more on analysing the audit results to improve their efficiency and safety.

AviationManuals CEO Mark Baier adds: “The combination of our ARC SMS software platform with Web Manuals meets our ongoing goal to make it easier for operators to function more productively and fly safer. Together, these two platforms provide a tool that creates an ongoing audit cycle, ensuring flight departments and aircraft management companies are always operating in accordance with what is defined in their operations manuals.”

Web Manuals has more than 210 customers worldwide, with headquarters in Malmö and US offices in New York and San Diego.

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