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Duncan's Sedam steps up for service sales
As a Bombardier airframe service sales rep, Stefanie Sedam will continue to expand the customer base and overall awareness of Duncan Aviation's newest full-service facility. She will work with Challengers and Globals.
Stef Sedam has previous experience working at an MRO centre as sales and warranty manager.

Stefanie Sedam has joined Duncan Aviation's Bombardier airframe service sales team. Currently located in Indianapolis, Indiana, she and her family are planning to join the team at Duncan Aviation's full-service facility in Provo, Utah.

Over the past 10 years, Sedam has enjoyed providing support to customers during interior, maintenance and modification projects on mid-to-large cabin aircraft. Her previous experience at an MRO centre as sales and warranty manager has given her great insight into the unique and detailed needs of both domestic and international operators.

“Stef is a perfect fit for the Bombardier airframe sales position in Provo. She is outstanding at building customer relationships, both internal and external,” says airframe and engine service sales manager Ryan Huss. “Beyond her passion for helping customers, Stef also will bring a strong leadership presence to the Bombardier programme in Provo. We look forward to getting her located in Provo and watching her help Bombardier customers who choose to go there.”

Sedam adds: “The unique selections and combinations for aircraft interiors are endless. Seeing the capability to unite beauty and functionality from initial concept to finished product is so satisfying.”

As a Bombardier airframe service sales rep, Sedam will continue to expand the customer base and overall market awareness about Duncan Aviation's newest full-service facility.

“Working in the industry, I have been aware of Duncan Aviation's excellent reputation. As I begin my career here, I'm excited to have the opportunity to access the company's many resources. I'm looking forward to working with customers on the airframe side, helping them prepare for inspections, repairs, and scheduled maintenance,” she concludes.

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