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Guardian Jet partner takes seat at NBAA advisory council
As Joe Carfagna Jr ends his term on the NBAA advisory council, his place is filled by industry savvy Don Dwyer, whose career has embraced aircraft finance, asset management, fleet planning and aircraft sales.
Newly appointed NBAA advisory council member Don Dwyer is a 4,500 hour commercial pilot and certified flight instructor, as well as an avid sailor.

Connecticut-based aircraft brokerage, appraisals and consulting firm Guardian Jet managing partner Don Dwyer has been appointed to the advisory council for the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA).

The advisory council consists of representatives from NBAA member companies that provide aircraft products and services to its member flight departments. The purpose of the council is to advise the board of directors on business member interests, government representation, industry programmes, communication efforts and educational initiatives.

“Dwyer was selected for his excellent leadership qualities, financial and consulting expertise and vast experience, having worked on both sides of the aircraft sales process, both as a broker and manufacturer,” explains advisory council chairperson Sheryl Barden. “Don does business all over the globe, and leads a very contemporary, forward-thinking organisation that is a leader in bringing technology and data into the decision-making process.”

Dwyer replaces the council's outgoing member Joe Carfagna Jr of Leading Edge Aviation Solutions. He will serve a three-year term ending October 2022.

Dwyer adds: “I've long been a proponent of the critical work that the NBAA does on behalf of our great industry and its people. Now, as a council member, I'll do my utmost to uphold the NBAA's tenets, and extend its reach and influence wherever possible.”

In 2010, Dwyer joined his brother Michael as co-managing partner of Guardian Jet. A frequent speaker at aviation industry events, he is particularly regarded for his extensive expertise in aircraft finance, asset management, fleet planning and aircraft sales. Previously he rose through the ranks at Hawker Beechcraft where as vice president of global sales he led the entire sales team and oversaw the company's international dealer network.

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