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APA extends GE T700 agreement by five years
For the last 20 years, APA has provided T700 MRO services to commercial and defence customers worldwide, including to Black Hawk firefighting operators in the US and Australia. It has cemented its relationship with GE.
APA is now looking to expand its T700 services.

Asia Pacific Aerospace (APA), a gas turbine engine MRO facility in Brisbane, Australia, has extended its T700 MRO provider agreement with GE Aviation.

APA continues to be GE’s only MRO provider for T700 customers in the Asia Pacific, and the five-year extension to its T700 MRO provider agreement with the OEM affirms that the organisation is well-placed to supply T700 MRO services in the region. Following the signing of this agreement, APA is to expand its T700 services.

“The five-year extension to our OEM authorisation provides us with the confidence to continue investing into the engine and module rental/exchange pool in order to support Black Hawk commercial operators,” says Tony Cotroneo, APA general manager. “Thanks to our teaming agreement with United Aero Group and Arista Aviation Services, we now have access to ten T700 engines for rent, exchange or outright sale.”

For the last 20 years, APA has provided T700 MRO services to commercial and defence customers worldwide. APA’s long association with GE Aviation has seen the company provide MRO services to the Australian Defence Force, Royal New Zealand Air Force and allied militaries, as well as commercial UH-60 Black Hawk firefighting operators in Australia and the United States.

To meet demand, APA’s inventory for T700 support is expanding. By the first quarter of 2021, there will be individual modules, engine accessories and line-replaceable units (LRUs) available on the shelf for T700 operators.

“It is crucial we provide operators with the best options at the best possible price, so they can maintain flight safety while firefighting to save lives, wildlife and properties,” Cotroneo concludes.

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